Sewing & Pattern making Terms

Double-fold hem

Achieving clean and polished garment edges is an essential skill for seamstresses and pattern makers. The double-fold hem technique is a versatile and widely used method for finishing raw edges, providing a professional and durable result. This technique involves folding the fabric edge twice to enclose the raw edge and create a neat and secure finish.

Purpose and Benefits of Double-Fold Hem

The double-fold hem technique offers several advantages, including:

  • Clean Edge Finish: The double-fold hem creates a clean and finished edge that conceals the raw fabric edge, enhancing the overall appearance of the garment. It adds a professional touch and prevents fraying or unraveling of the fabric.
  • Durability: By enclosing the raw edge within two folds, the double-fold hem provides added strength and durability to the garment. It ensures that the hem withstands regular wear and washing, extending the lifespan of the garment.
  • Versatility: This technique is suitable for a wide range of fabrics, from lightweight and delicate materials to medium and heavyweight fabrics. It can be used on various garment types, such as skirts, dresses, blouses, or trousers, making it a versatile finishing option.

Creating a Double-Fold Hem

To create a double-fold hem, follow these steps:

  • Determine the hem width: Decide on the desired hem width based on the pattern instructions or personal preference. Mark the hemline using tailor’s chalk or fabric markers, ensuring it is consistent around the entire garment.
  • Fold the first hemline: Fold the fabric up to the marked hemline, encasing the raw edge within the fold. Press the fold with an iron to create a crisp crease. This folded edge will become the first fold of the double-fold hem.
  • Fold the second hemline: Fold the fabric again, aligning the folded edge with the marked hemline. This creates a second fold that encloses the raw edge completely. Press the fold with an iron to create a sharp crease, ensuring the hem is even and consistent.
  • Secure the hem: Pin the double-folded hem in place, aligning the folded edges neatly. Use a straight stitch on a sewing machine or hand sew the hem, working along the folded edge. Add a Backstitch at the beginning and end to secure the hem.

Finishing Touches and Variations

To achieve a flawless double-fold hem, consider the following tips:

  • Pressing: Throughout the hemming process, use an iron to press the folds and create crisp edges. This not only ensures accuracy but also helps the fabric lay flat and achieve a professional finish.
  • Top stitching: For added reinforcement and a decorative touch, consider topstitching the hem. This involves stitching a line of straight stitches along the folded edge of the hem, a short distance from the edge.
  • Blind Hem: In some cases, a blind hem technique may be preferred for a more discreet finish. This involves folding and stitching the hem in a way that conceals the stitches on the garment’s outer side.

The double-fold hem technique provides seamstresses and pattern makers with a reliable and visually appealing method for finishing garment edges. By mastering this technique, you can achieve clean and durable hems, adding a professional touch to your handmade creations. Whether you’re working with lightweight fabrics or heavier materials, the double-fold hem offers versatility and ensures a polished finish for a wide range of clothes.

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Melissa Villegas
Pattern Maker &


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