Sewing & Pattern making Terms

Mitered Corner

As a seamstress or pattern maker, understanding various techniques and terminologies is crucial for creating professional-looking garments. One such technique that adds finesse to your sewing projects is the mitered corner. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the world of mitered corners, exploring what they are, why they are used, and how you can effortlessly incorporate them into your sewing repertoire.

What is a Mitered Corner?

A mitered corner is a sewing technique used to create neat and tidy corners on fabric edges. It involves folding the fabric at a 45-degree angle to achieve a diagonal seam that smoothly connects the adjoining sides of a fabric piece. Mitered corners are commonly found in a variety of sewing projects, such as tablecloths, napkins, quilts, and hemlines, where clean corners enhance the overall aesthetic and durability of the finished product.

Why Use Mitered Corners?

Mitered corners offer several advantages over traditional corner finishing methods:

  1. Improved Appearance: Mitered corners lend a polished and professional look to your projects. They eliminate bulky or uneven fabric bunching that can occur with other corner finishing techniques.
  2. Reduced Bulk: By eliminating excess fabric, mitered corners reduce bulk, resulting in smoother, flatter seams. This is particularly beneficial when working with lightweight or delicate fabrics.
  3. Durability: Mitered corners distribute stress evenly along the seam, making them less prone to fraying or unraveling. This durability ensures your projects withstand regular use and laundering.

How to Create a Mitered Corner

Step-by-Step Guide: Follow these steps to master the art of creating mitered corners.

Step 1: Prepare your fabric:

  • Ensure your fabric is cut to the desired dimensions.
  • Press the fabric to remove any wrinkles or creases.

Step 2: Mark the corner:

Step 3: Fold the corner:

  • Fold the fabric diagonally, aligning the marked points on the adjoining sides.
  • The fold line should form a 45-degree angle.

Step 4: Pin and sew:

  • Pin the folded corner in place to secure it.
  • Sew along the diagonal fold line, starting from the marked points and ending at the fabric’s edge.
  • Backstitch at the beginning and end to reinforce the seam.

Step 5: Trim and finish:

  • Trim any excess fabric close to the seam, leaving a small allowance for durability.
  • Press the mitered corner open to remove any remaining creases.
  • Repeat the process for all remaining corners.

Tips for Perfect Mitered Corners

  • Accuracy is key: Take precise measurements and ensure the angles are correctly folded to achieve crisp corners.
  • Practice on scrap fabric: Before working on your final project, practice mitered corners on scrap fabric to gain confidence and refine your technique.
  • Pressing is essential: Regularly press your fabric throughout the process to achieve professional-looking results.
  • Experiment with different fabrics: Different fabrics may require slight adjustments in your technique. Experiment with scrap fabric to find the ideal approach for each fabric type.


Mitered corners are a valuable skill for seamstresses and pattern makers, allowing them to elevate their sewing projects by adding a touch of sophistication and durability. By following the step-by-step guide provided in this article and incorporating the tips mentioned, you’ll be well on your way to mastering this essential technique. So go ahead, confidently create mitered corners, and enjoy the impeccable finish they bring to your sewing creations.

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Melissa Villegas
Pattern Maker &


Melissa Portrait

Villegas Patterns

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